Grant for Schools for Highly Gifted Children

Schools with classes for highly gifted children may apply for the Grant, the third year of which has been announced by the Penta Foundation in cooperation with Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deti a gymnázium (the School for Highly Gifted Children and the Secondary Grammar School) in Bratislava.

The Grant is intended for implementation of projects aimed at combination of pooling and using various subjects of study, scientific or social areas, or mutual interconnection and participation of classes of the first and second levels. All primary schools with classes for highly gifted children seated in the Slovak Republic participating in the Project of Alternative Care for Highly Gifted Children of the authoress PhDr. Jolana Laznibatová, CSc. may apply for the grant. At present, there are 26 schools in Slovakia, which in addition to common classes have also established classes for highly gifted children attended by 2,600 pupils.

All projects will be evaluated by a selection committee consisting of representatives of the Penta Foundation and experts in the field of education system and work with intellectively gifted children. The commission will also evaluate the project development and compliance with formal requisites of a request for the Grant. The first six most successful projects based on evaluation of the committee will obtain financial support as follows:

1st place: 200,000 SKK
2nd place: 150,000 SKK
3rd place: 100,000 SKK
4th – 6th place: 50,000 SKK

The request for the Grant together with filled enclosures must be sent via e-mail to the following e-mail address: on or before 24 August 2007 and concurrently one original prepared in writing must be sent to the address of the announcer of the Grant, i.e., the Penta Foundation, on 24 August 2007 at the latest. The results of the previous years as well as additional information about the Grant for pre highly gifted children are published on the site

Contact information:

Mgr. Peter Húska
Penta Foundation Manager
Križkova 9
811 04 Bratislava

tel. : +421 2 5778 8191
fax : +421 2 5778 8054

The Project of Alternative Care for Highly Gifted Children of the authoress Jolana Laznibatová is a project of an alternative program for educating intellectively gifted children, which covers both pedagogical and educational elements. The project provides highly gifted children with adequate incentives for the development of their thinking (educational element) and the whole individuality (pedagogical element). Teaching is adapted to highly gifted children using special methods, atmosphere, and content of lessons. Atmosphere in the classes is agreeable, non-directive, based on dialogue and teacher-pupil partnership

Press contact

Martin Danko
External Relations Manager

Telephone +420 225 101 110
Mobile +420 731 664 771

Lenka Vargová
PR Specialist

Telephone +421 2 577 88 710
Mobile +421 911 114 157

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